Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Effect of Marijuana - 3829 Words

Mariano Marcos State University College of Engineering Batac, Ilocos Norte â€Å"In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in English 2† Title â€Å"The Process and Development of Communication Systems† Presented to: Professor Constante S. Salasac Presented by: Shaun Matthew A. Vicencio BSECE 1-A March 2012 TITLE: â€Å"The Process and development of communication systems† THESIS STATEMENT: â€Å"Intake of marijuana, whether excessive or not, has different effects to the health of individuals that eventually affects the community as a whole† I. INTRODUCTION a. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY i. Definition ii. History 1. Laws of bills II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION b. Interpretation of†¦show more content†¦Prior to 1910, the growth and trade of marijuana (and hashish—a resinous substance produced by the flowering parts of the plant) was fairly limited. However, following the conclusion of the Mexican Revolution, trafficking of the drug opened up, making growth and transport of the drug easier and more profitable. The business expanded to reach the ports of New Orleans where it was sold on the black market, alongside other strains of the plant, to sailors passing through, as well as local residents. It wasnt long before the trend of marijuana use began to overshadow the historic applications of cannabis as a medicine. The drug soon became popu lar (especially its stronger derivatives—hashish, charas, ghanja, and bhang) among musicians who maintained that smoking marijuana gave them the inspiration they needed to play their music. These musicians glamorized the use of marijuana. Some claimed it gave them contemplative vision and a feeling of overwhelming freedom and verve; others not only used the drug themselves, but sold it to a variety of customers. As the entertainers went on the road, so did their drugs. Eventually, use of marijuana, alcohol, and other mind-altering drugs spread and soon became prevalent in major cities worldwide, such as Chicago, New York, London, and Paris. Many of the musicians and entertainers of the Jazz Age who used drugs and alcohol relied heavily on gangland kings for their gigs (jobs). Frequently, these gangsters were able toShow MoreRelatedMarijuana And Its Effects On Marijuana1216 Words   |  5 PagesBiology 101 Marijuana and Its Effects Marijuana is a type of medication produced by using the dried blossoms and leaves of the hemp plant. There is a large debate in the United States of America on whether marijuana should be legalized; Marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the USA (Klein, 2005). Marijuana is useful as it has been utilized and made legitimate in part of a few states despite the fact that there are numerous critics of these recent activities. The uses of Marijuana have beenRead MoreMarijuana: Cause and Effect1064 Words   |  5 PagesStephen Tracey Professor Curran English 101 10 November 2011 Marijuana: Cause and Effect Today in America, millions of American citizens are both confused and outraged by the fact that there are still laws that are preventing people from using one of the most popular and controversial, illegal substances in the world: marijuana. According to recent polls, fifty percent of Americans want marijuana to be completely legal and decriminalized (Blodget), and a whopping eighty percent of AmericansRead MoreEffects Of Marijuana On The Body1495 Words   |  6 PagesNumber: 2015009001 The Effects of Marijuana on the Body Marijuana is considered in popular culture to be a widely accepted mainstream recreational illegal drug used in the United States; its use comes with severe adverse side effects that are often overlooked. Long-Term use of marijuana sis shown to have negative effects on physical, mental, and environmental health. Studies have shown that in the United States, up to 20% of daily marijuana users become dependent (Marijuana and Lung Health) showingRead MoreThe Effects of Marijuana Essay1259 Words   |  6 Pagesthink smoking marijuana is cool. They might try it without knowing what it is or what affects is has on you. Once someone smokes it for the first time, they might keep doing it again and again and they could get hooked on it for life. People who use marijuana usually never use any other type of illegal drugs, but more than seven thousand five hundred people get arrested for using marijuana every year. There is a wide variety of marijuana, but they are all based off of two marijua na plants, IndicaRead MoreEffects Of Marijuana On The Medical Side Of Marijuana1856 Words   |  8 PagesThroughout the years the medical side of marijuana has been a big controversy. Recent studies and research show a promising outlook on the uses of medicinal cannabis. Cannabis oil is a new recent cultivating development and has many uses that shed positivity. The outlook is popular and promising, so what does that say about our future? There are many benefits when it comes to the medical use of cannabis. The main known form is cannabis oil. This is the oil that is extracted using a solvent from theRead MoreThe Term Effects Of Marijuana1124 Words   |  5 Pagesever thought of the effects marijuana has on the human body? Marijuana is now being used more as medicinal and recreational use, and its usage is constantly increasing among many young adults in today’s society. You should know the effects of Marijuana and its medicinal purposes so you can make the choice of whether or not to use it and whether you will use it for medicinal purposes. With extensive scholarly research, today we will be discussing intermediate, long term effects and medicinal purposesRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Marijuana861 Words   |  4 Pages Marijuana is sweeping the nation. How might this affect people’s everyday lives? Is the progression on legalization a good thing or a bad thing? In order to answer that, the people must first consider the health effects of the consumer and the economic effects of the nation. Marijuana could have both positive and negative effects on the health of the user and the economy. While marijuana does indeed have some health benefits, it also has many adverse health effects and can lead to severalRead MoreNegative Effects Of Marijuana1612 Words   |  7 Pages What is marijuana? What is it made of? Why is cannabis still illegal in certain states? Why does marijuana have so many names? Where do the names come from? What is the marijuana culture and how do they celebrate? How is marijuana beneficial? All these questions roaming through people’s mind. Cannabis is a green mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa. People usually smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes called joints or cigars called blunts, or in a pipe, orRead MoreNegative Effects Of Marijuana977 Words   |  4 Pagespick up bad habits. â€Å"Marijuana is dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis Indica plant. The plant contains large amounts of a mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds† (Anonymous, 2017). Marijuana is popular, and it can be made into edibles. As of today, in United States of America, age or pregnancy does not have an effect anymore. People are choosing to high over their families, le aving the kids with birth defects and health issues. Marijuana affects brain developmentRead MoreThe Harmuful Effects of Marijuana787 Words   |  3 Pages In 2006, A Drug Free Worlds The Harmful Effects of Marijuana† emerged in the media. ADFW reasons that marijuana is harmful in numerous ways, including cerebral damage and debilitation to the immune system. Throughout the article, they also try to persuade the reader that cannabis is a gateway drug that undoubtedly leads the users into much harder drugs. When reading this article, one must consider that research to support anything can be found if one searches hard enough, but without a doubt

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