Friday, November 1, 2019

Critical Analysis 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis 1 - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to prove that Puritan beliefs and lifestyle were necessary for their survival in the new land of America. Using the works of Anne Bradstreet and William Bradford, the reasons why the Puritans fled their homes, the challenges they faced in the New World, and their goals will be investigated. William Bradford believed that God wanted the Pilgrims to establish a new life in the new land, by building a New Jerusalem. Here they would worship freely, without fear, would establish the rule of God’s laws, and would finally be relieved from the tyranny and persecution that had shadowed their entire lives in Europe (Schmidt 10). During their first year in Plymouth Colony, the Pilgrims faced several hardships including diseases, severely cold winter, and the occurrence of daily deaths. However, many of the colonists survived, mainly due to the leadership shown by William Bradford. They hunted wild game, fished, grew grain and corn, and built a settlement; and the following year celebrated the first Thanksgiving (Schmidt 107-108). Along with a group of other young men, Bradford provided excellent leadership for the progress of Plymouth Colony, but their work did not include that of the Church (Doherty 90). The separation of Church and state that is an important element of the American system of democracy, was initiated in this system that was central to the colony’s government. However, the mission of the Puritans was to spread God’s word â€Å"to both Christians and heathens, to comfort the afflicted, and to offer guidance to those with spiritual questions† (Williams: 52). Besides Bradford’s showed Godliness as well as tact in befriending the native Americans. When the settlement started to thrive, Bradford established profitable trade with the local natives. By the next winter, the Pilgrims had regained their health and strength, and had adequate provisions for all including the supply of wild

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