Thursday, December 26, 2019

Overview of HIV Essay - 538 Words

HIV, or the human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus found in human beings that primarily infects cells that are part of the immune system, but can affect other cell types as well. HIV is what is called a retrovirus, meaning it has the coding system of RNA opposed to DNA. AIDS is a virus that is caused by HIV and has many different symptoms that vary with different individuals. HIV causes symptoms such as severe infections that can lead to pneumonia and changes of the skin like red or purple patches. The virus can spread through sexual contact or the exchange of blood. HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact, exchange of blood, and childbirth or breastfeeding. HIV is found at high concentrations in the bloodstream, meaning it can†¦show more content†¦The HIV virus could possibly have been spread from a type of ape in Africa that contracted the animal version of HIV, called SIV, and infected humans when they hunted the ape, then changed from SIV into HIV after mutation. The virus then, throughout the years, spread to US and caused KS. nearly forty percent of people with HIV developed KS in the 1980’s and the disease became the face of HIV. Dr. Robert Gallo from NIH discovered the cause of HIV and how to diagnose it in April of 1984. Gallo stated that the HTLV-III virus is most likely the cause of HIV/Aids. HIV can be prevented from limiting the number of sexual partners you have and not sharing needles when performing injections. Post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP, is a type of medication that can be taken to prevent the infection of HIV if a person thinks that they may have been exposed to the virus on recent occasions. Keeping cuts or sores covered is a way to prevent the exposure to HIV because HIV can be transmitted through open wounds. Always make sure that the hospital or clinic performing a blood transplant or transfusion had tested the blood for HIV before going in for the operation, as HIV can be spread through blood. Mothers should never feed their child breast milk if they are infected with the HIV virus due to the fact that children can catch the virus through breast milk. The FDA has currently approved 31 different anti-retrviral drugs that are able to treat HIV, but none of themShow MoreRelatedOverview of HIV AIDS704 Words   |  3 PagesOverview of HIV/AIDS 1.1.1 Discovery Records show that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first observed in the United States in the early 1980’s among healthy young intravenous drug users and gay men, who came down with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP), opportunistic cryptococcal or cytomegalovirus infections and some rare malignancies like Kaposi’s sarcoma that are known to occur in patients with compromised immune system (1). The rising incidences of PCP infections and Kaposi’sRead More Detailed Overview of HIV Essay3720 Words   |  15 PagesSince the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic 15 years ago, the virus has infected more than 47 million people in the world. With more than 2.2 million deaths in 1998, HIV/AIDS has now become the fourth leading cause of mortality and its impact is going to increase. Over 95% of all cases and 95% of AIDS deaths occur in the developing world, mostly among young adults and increasingly in women. HIV can be prevented in many ways, but they are not always followed. People die when they dont play itRead MoreThe Immune System: HIV/AIDS Essay893 Words   |  4 PagesHIV is a world pandemic that has caused the death of â€Å"30 million† (CDC – Statistics Overview – Statistics Center – HIV/AIDS, CDC) innocent lives. HIV is devastating virus that destroys people’s immune systems and leaves them vulnerable to other diseases. HIV is an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, which means that the virus is found only in humans and targets the immune system. The virus kills CD4 cells, cells in the immune system that fight off infections and diseases. HIV has been aroundRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus And The Body s Natural Defense System1688 Words   |  7 Pages Human Immunodeficiency Virus â€Å"HIV also known as human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that attacks the immune system, the body s natural defense system.† When a person has a weak immune system as oppose to a strong immune system the body has a hard time fighting off the disease. The HIV virus and the infection that it causes is called HIV. White blood cells are an important part of the immune system. One of the major symptoms and by far the worst is when HIV infects and destroys certain whiteRead MoreHiv And Aids Epidemic. In The 21St Century, Everyone Has1439 Words   |  6 PagesHIV and AIDS Epidemic In the 21st century, everyone has heard of the frightening HIV and AIDS virus. The disease we first discovered in 1983 in Arica, when it killed millions of people, especially poor people and travelers. In the developing countries, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are considered a death sentence, the world over, it is a frightening virus that has killed many people. The research provided me with the information the developingRead MoreDurex Save Sex Campaign Against AIDS-HIV688 Words   |  3 PagesPresentation Overview Durex Save Sex Campaign Against AIDS/HIV Hello to everyone, my name is Irem Gamsizoglu, and I`m first year medicine student. I will tell you about disease that is spread all around the world – AIDS and HIV and the corporate social responsibility campaign made by one of the most famous contraception related company Durex. And I`d like to start my overview with famous quote by Elizabeth Taylor; once she said that â€Å"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one shouldRead MoreHiv Research Paper808 Words   |  4 PagesWhich Populations in the United States Today, are at the Highest-Risk of HIV Infection? In the United States (US) there are currently 1.2 million people infected/living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The HIV epidemic in the US is concentrated in the following at risk populations and geographic area: (1) Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with other men of all races/ethnicities (high burden of HIV among Black gay and bisexual men), (2) Black women and men, (3) Latinos/LatinasRead MoreThe Global Health Issue Of Hiv And Aids869 Words   |  4 Pagesin Africa aids is the health issues. HIV and AIDS has become on the biggest epidemics in the Sub-Saharan Africa region. There has been an estimated 24.7 million people were living with HIV (Shah, A. n.d). The 24.7 million people represent the seventy-one percent of the aids population in the world (Shah, A. n.d). Background of HIV/AIDS To understand how devastating HIV/AIDS is there must be background on how HIV and AIDS develops and why it is so deadly. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virusRead MoreHiv Is A Human Immunodeficiency Virus1721 Words   |  7 PagesPicture this: a young child who is very skinny, ribs and all other bones are showing through the skin, they are born with HIV. it then leads to AIDS, due to their parents. HIV is a Human Immunodeficiency Virus. If HIV is left untreated, it can lead to AIDS, which is an acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. In Nigeria, Africa millions of people have the disease of AIDS and HIV. There is not many treatment options or solutions for this serious issue that takes place all over the country. There are aRead MoreAids, Hiv, And Aids1726 Words   |  7 PagesAIDS and HIV in Africa Picture this: a young child who is very skinny, ribs and all other bones are showing through the skin, they are born with HIV. it then leads to AIDS, due to their parents. HIV is a Human Immunodeficiency Virus. If HIV is left untreated, it can lead to AIDS, which is an acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. In Nigeria, Africa millions of people have the disease of AIDS and HIV. There is not many treatment options or solutions for this serious issue that takes place all over the

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Project Management The Time Constraint - 3014 Words

Abstract There are three major constraints of Project Management: the Time constraint, the Cost constraint and the Scope/Quality constraint. As the name suggests, the Time constraint refers to the time available for the completion of the project, Cost constraint refers to the allocated budget and the Scope constraint refers to the final expected outcome. For a construction project, it is virtually impossible to achieve the best of all worlds, i.e., cheapest, fastest and of the desired quality. Due to the dynamic nature of a construction project, a construction engineer faces a large number of complex problems. As a result of which, the cheapest method may yield a product which falls short in quality or the fastest means to achieve the†¦show more content†¦Trade-offs between the total cost, duration and overall quality is an issue that is commonly discussed by all project managers. The goal of this trade-off analysis is to come up with a plan that minimizes the cost and duration while meeting the quality as demanded by the owner. Understanding the dynamic inter-relationship between these parameters is essential for planning a successful project that satisfies all parties (Owner, Construction Manager, Contractor, and Consultant). [7] During 1970 to 1990, a one-dimensional approach was followed. The primary aim of project managers was to reduce the total cost of the construction project. Gradually, ‘Time’ was considered as the second factor in addition to the cost of the project. This was a two-dimensional approach. Quality was introduced as the third dimension by the end of 20th century. More recently, another dimension, scope, has been realized as an equally important factor while carrying out a trade-off analysis to optimize the overall output of the project. See the figure below which graphically shows this evolution of contracting methods. Figure 1: Evolution of Contracting Methods Construction industry is very volatile and involves huge amount of uncertainty due to numerous stages involved in any construction project. The construction industry in the US contributes about $600 billion, which is approximately 5% of the total GDP of the country. So

Monday, December 9, 2019

Imposing Meaning Upon Chaos free essay sample

The journey itself is a metaphor for human existence—the suggestion that our place as humans on earth is purely by chance, and we seek to find things to take as â€Å"signs† in order to validate that humans are purposed individuals and not accidental products of random science. An example of how Pynchon’s representation of the way in which people impose interpretation on the meaningless is a way to force order into an environment that is unequivocally disordered. Oedipa is faced with all sorts of information and all sorts of imaginings, but she cannot easily determine what is real and what she should dismiss as the product of an overactive imagination. She is desperate for any sign of confirmation that there is a purpose for where she is in life. Pynchon displays her desperation as Oedipa goes to the ladies’ room during intermission—â€Å"she looked idly around for the symbol she’d seen the other night†¦but all the walls, surprisingly, were blank. She could not say why, exactly, but felt threatened by this absence of even the marginal try at communication latrines are known for† (Pynchon 53). The mention of â€Å"marginal communication† is indicative of Oedipa’s frustration with the lack thereof in her own life, and obsessive search for more information on the Trystero. The way Oedipa wants to turn the mystery of the Trystero into a constellation, relates to the problem of communication theme. The real problem to Oedipa is why Driblette referred to the Trystero in his production of The Couriers Tragedy, but once again, his death acts as a breaking down of communication, which prevents her from ever finding out. Her labeling the Trystero as a constellation is a feeble attempt—it does not hold up as truly ordered. Oedipas quest to construct a constellation seems to indicate that she is only looking for a superficial system. Indeed, she never succeeds in figuring out the meaning behind the Trystero, and, further, the novel ends with the very strong likelihood that the mystery may hold no mystery at all. And just as she is unable to piece together the puzzle of the Trystero, she is similarly unable to refashion her life after it begins to fall apart. Oedipa has placed all of her time and effort into finding an answer for her mystery quest that it becomes her hope for placing meaning in her own life—â€Å"the Trystero [could] bring an end to her encapsulation in her tower† (Pynchon 31). Pynchon also uses the concepts of entropy and the possibility of meaning to emphasize the huge gaps between theory and understanding that theory, which is something Oedipa will perpetually struggle with. Entropy being the tendency of things to disorder themselves over time into chaos is a perfect symbol of what Oedipa is threatening to become as she becomes more and more frustrated with lack of communication, as well as becoming less and less sure of what is or is not reality: â€Å"she had only to drift†¦at random, and watch nothing happen, to be convinced it was purely nervous, a little something for her shrink to fix† (Pynchon 88). The Nefastis Machine, supposedly working against entropy, is a model for the themes of order and disorder through the novel. Like the machine, interpretation is an effort to impose order on disorder, but also like the machine, that interpretation is itself founded upon disorder. The entire ordering structure is called into question; Oedipa turns out not to be a sensitive, and she is never able to solve the story of the Trystero. Ultimately, Pynchon’s ability to use communication as a basis for something that should create order, instead ironically creating disorder—makes it nearly impossible to distinguish between the two, which leads characters such as Oedipa and Dr. Hilarius to attempt to translating order and meaning out of random things, not ever entirely sure whether or not they are hallucinating. Oedipa, in the end does not even attempt to deny that she is committed to attach meaning to things that may not coincide with what she believes—â€Å"Nothing†¦could touch her. Nothing did. The repetition of symbols was to be enough†¦she tested it, shivering: ‘I am meant to remember. Each clue that comes is supposed to have its own clarity, its fine chances for permanence’ † (Pynchon 95). Dr. Hilarius, in a sense, is used to help Oedipa temporarily see communication as potentially workable—Dr. Hilarius gets to finish his sentences and convey his opinions to her, raving or otherwise. By telling her to â€Å"cherish it,† it adds to the theme of attaching meaning to chaos where possible, â€Å"to hold it dear, for when you lose it, you go over by that much to the others. You begin to cease to be† (Pynchon 113). Although Oedipa still begins to lose herself through isolation resulting from being unable to make sense of the Trystero, it is clear that it is an almighty struggle to let go of the compulsion to make sense of nonsense. Finally, Pynchon is careful to highlight the fact that Oedipa becomes increasingly isolated from other people. The most striking image of this isolation comes early in chapter five, when Pynchon writes, Oedipa sat, feeling as alone as she ever had, now the only woman, she cannot even relieve her boredom and isolation by engaging in sex (Pynchon 94). She has distanced herself from her husband, her physician, and even her lover. Her social world is disintegrating along with the culture in which she lives. This part is useful in explaining how her obsession is obviously intertwined with finding meaning in a perceived conspiracy, because if it is not, the fact that these things in her life are completely meaningless will become her personal hell, which she cannot face. This is why the end of the novel shows Oedipa clinging to the hope that the crier of Lot 49 will be a link to her theory. The Crying of Lot 49 displays a fragmented world in which there are always winding distractions, in which information leads to more of the same, rather than to answers. In the face of such an onslaught of information communication breakdowns, Oedipa feels compelled to impose interpretations that might not fit for the simple reason that she needs a constellation,† recognizable, to hold on to. In trying to create order, Oedipa alienates herself from the very world she is trying to organize. As the novel demonstrates, in the Trystero conspiracy Oedipa, in vain, tries to solve, in the ending that is not really an ending at all, reality can be constructed as a way to validate importance in individuals’ existences.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essays (292 words) - Sexual Orientation, Gender

Same Sex Marriage Society does not accept same sex marriges. There are various reasons for this. Many people feel that same sex marriges are not natural, and go against religious beliefs. Some people may be homophobic feel that gays and lesbians do not deserve to be united legally on paper, or under the blessings of God. Homosexuals want to marry for the same reason that heterosexuals have and there should be no reason why they are not allowed to. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage involves legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authorized financial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation. They become a legal beneficiary of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults want to be married in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, the law should not interfere with that simply because they are of the same gender. By not allowing same sex marriges, we are saying that gays and lesbians do not have the same rights as a heterosexual couple and that is not right. It seems like they are considered not to be normal. I don't even think there is a normal for anyone anymore. They cannot benefit from eachother the way a heterosexual married couple would be able to. The only people that benefit from this are the people that do not accept same sex marriges. Personally I do not believe that they are hurting anyone by wanting to get married. Bibliography I don't have one

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Spyware Affects Internet Advertising †Information Technology Essay

How Spyware Affects Internet Advertising – Information Technology Essay Free Online Research Papers How Spyware Affects Internet Advertising Information Technology Essay Have you noticed that your computer runs slower than when you first purchased it? The most likely culprit is SpyWare. It’s a software program that snoops on your browsing activity. It collects information from your computer and sends the data to anyone willing to pay for it, without your permission and knowledge. Typically, marketing companies use your personal details to inundate you with advertisements of their products by using AdWare. AdWare is a software program that causes advertising banners and pop-ups to be displayed on your computer. SpyWare and AdWare slow down the computer, cause crashes, interfere with the web browser and also slow down the internet connection. If you are paying for dial-up internet access, SpyWare is literally costing you money. Spyware has eclipsed viruses as the fastest growing online threat. Simply surfing the Internet, reading emails and downloading files can infect your personal computer (PC) without you even knowing it. SpyWare’s ability to track keystrokes, scan hard drives, and change system and registry settings is a tremendous personal and enterprise security threat. It can lead to identity theft, data corruption and even theft of company secrets. While SpyWare is typically not hazardous to your PC, it is annoying. It is the next generation of spam. Industry experts say that SpyWare will be the number one threat to network security. Rising SpyWare threats and increasing demand for protection have forced established security vendors to build, buy, or partner with standalone anti-SpyWare vendors. While a number of anti-SpyWare solutions are available as free downloads, there are other paid solutions from market leaders like Symantec, Trend Micro and McAffee. In the last six months of 2004, AdWare programs made up 5% of the top 50 Symantec customer reports while Webhancer was the most frequently reported SpyWare program, representing 38% of the top ten SpyWare reported. Research Papers on How Spyware Affects Internet Advertising - Information Technology EssayOpen Architechture a white paperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Project Managment Office SystemIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UsePETSTEL analysis of IndiaDefinition of Export QuotasBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Movie Genres Vocabulary Lesson for English Learners

Movie Genres Vocabulary Lesson for English Learners Movies (or films) have become an important part of almost everybodys life. Hollywood, Bollywood and many other film centers make a wide variety of films to keep us entertained. This lesson focuses on encouraging students to discuss some of their favorite films by asking students to discuss examples of different  films they like. Next, students write short plot summaries to share with each other.   Aim: Conversation about films to practice and learn new vocabulary related to movies / films Activity: Initial conversation followed by group work for writing practice Level:  Intermediate Outline:   Start the lesson by asking students which type of films there are. Make a few suggestions of recent films using some of the film types to get students started.  Provide a sheet with quick definitions of different film types.  Have students get into small groups and try to come up with at least one film for each type of film.Introduce the idea of a plot. As a class, choose a movie with which everyone is familiar. Write a  quick plot summary together on the board.Each student then chooses a film and writes a short plot summary for the film.Have students get into pairs.  Students describe their chosen films to each other. Students should take notes on each others films.Students switch partners and describe the plot of their first partners film to another student. Speaking About Movies / Films Exercise 1: Movie Types   Try to come up with one example for each type of film. Exercise 2: Plot Summary   You can describe movies by speaking about their plot. Think of a movie youve enjoyed and write up a plot summary.   Plot The plot is the general story of the movie. For example,  Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Girl doesnt love boy back. Boy finally convinces girl that hes the right guy.   Types of Films Provide students with these brief descriptions of the following common film genres. Horror   Horror films feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of horror films is to make you scream and be afraid, very afraid! Action Action films are films in which the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast.   Martial arts Martial arts films feature martial arts such as Judo, Karate, Taekwondo and so on. Bruce Lee made very famous martial arts films. Adventure Adventure films are like action films, but they take place in exotic places. Adventure films include films about pirates, historical adventures such as sailing around the world and space exploration.   Comedy There are many different types of comedy films. In general, comedies make you laugh - a lot! Romance Romance films are love stories made to melt our hearts with stories of people finding each other and falling in love. Many romances are romantic comedies. Romantic comedy Romantic comedies are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well.   Mockumentary A mockumentary is a type of joke documentary. In other words, the film is like a documentary, but about something that doesnt really exist. Mockumentaries are often comedies.   Documentary   A documentary is a film that investigates some real-life story that is very interesting for a number of reasons. Many documentaries look at the causes of world problems  or new types of scientific discoveries.   Animation Animation films are sometimes cartoons such as Disney films. However, with computer animation, many cartoons are now animation films. Animation films use computer graphics to make elaborate stories of adventure, comedies, and more.   Biographical Biographical films focus on someones life story. These films are usually about very famous people. Biographical films are also often documentaries.   Disaster Disaster films are a type of adventure film. Unfortunately, disaster films focus on horrible things happening to us like the end of the world films of 2012. Superhero Superhero films are also a type of adventure film. These films feature superheroes from comic books such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. Science-fiction Science-fiction films are set in the future and might be about other planets, or just about the future of our planet Earth. Science-fiction films often feature many elements of adventure films such as chases and battles. Drama Drama films are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories.   Historical drama Historical dramas are based on real events that happened in the past that are historically important. Thriller Thrillers are spy or espionage stories that are similar to adventure films, but often feature international spy rings, or countries trying to find out secrets about each other.   Detective story Detective stories focus on solving crimes. Usually,  there is a detective who must find out who committed a crime before the criminal commits other horrible crimes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resources Administration In Education And Schools Essay

Human Resources Administration In Education And Schools - Essay Example Strategies that can be used to create and deliver effective staff development programStaff development is a training process viewed in two dimensions. It includes in-service training program where individuals in an organization given opportunities to further their education to enable them to prepare for future positions and training is aimed to prepare individuals to be able to handle new job assignments. Staff development connotes the organization’s efforts in its program to provide the need-based training and education to its workers to enable them to become competent in handling their present or future assigned tasks.Several strategies can be used to create an effective staff development program. There are two mostly use: on the job training and assistant to training. On the job training mostly happen on the job and this method is an effective method of training. It is easiest to organize and less costly. Employees get placed in the actual work situation that makes them pro ductive. They learn by doing the real work that is the best training method for jobs that are hard to simulate or can be learned quickly by performance. With assistant to training process, a trainee studies under a master worker for a given period or until a trainee acquire necessary skillsInitiation of an effective induction process is one way that the organization can contribute to personal assimilation, as well as to the personal development, security, and need the satisfaction of each member of the organization.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Personal learning plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal learning plan - Essay Example The learning plans should attempt to meet the course objectives. In essence, the plans should function as blueprints for the learning by allowing students to consider the personal learning needs and areas of improvement within the context of intellectual development. In addition, the plans guide students to individualize the learning process, promote a sense of self-directedness with specific outcomes, and enable the development of habits related to lifelong learning (Graham, 2013). The paper presents my personal learning plan by highlighting the steps to improve time management skill. My long-term goal is to improve in time management in order to excel in all subjects including mastering the Mathematics skill, which I have a tremendous weakness. The attainment improvement of the time management skill will offer me sufficient time to attend to the subjects I underperform such as Mathematics. As indicated in my personal learning profile, I have attempted to master the skills of time management by adhering to programs and schedules. As I advance in my career, I endeavor to improve on time management in order to devote a lot of time in the studies and do away with the Mathematics phobia, which has been a challenge in my studies. I realize that my weekly schedule indicates that I have approximately twenty hours to work on my assignments. Although the time is adequate, I endeavor to utilize substantial time in Mathematics as I seek to excel in all disciplines and proceed to my master degree. My time management goal will complement my strong values such as communication , team player, self-confidence, open-mindedness, and self-awareness. Time management is critical in the learning process. The highest achievers tend to manage their time exceptionally well. It is crucial to develop workable strategies for managing time in order to balance the inevitable conflicting demands of time for study, work, and leisure. Essentially, time

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gordan Ramsay Essay Example for Free

Gordan Ramsay Essay Gordon James Ramsay was born on November 8th, 1966 in Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland. He was raised in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. Ramsay had played football(soccer) all throughout this life. During his football career he endured many injuries which led up to a career ending knee injury. At the age 19, Ramsay enrolled at North Oxfordshire Technical College to study Hotel Management. After graduating college Ramsay worked in London and moved to France to learn classic French cuisine. While in France, Ramsay worked in Paris under Guy Savoy and Joel Robuchon, both Michelin-starred chefs for three years. After he had learned as much as he could, Ramsay took a year to work as a personal chef on the private yacht Idlewild which was based in Bermuda. Moving back to London he became the head chef at Aubergine which won him his first Michelin-star. In 1998 Ramsay opened his first restaurant in Chelsea which then gave him 3 Michelin Stars. Ramsay is one of only four chefs in the UK to maintain three Michelin Stars for his restaurant. He was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II in the 2006 honors list for services to the hospitality industry. Ramsay has now published many books and has stared in various television shows. Gordon Ramsay has a aggressive leadership style. We classified him as having both Autocratic Leadership and Bureaucratic Leadership. Ramsay has a strong personality and from this comes the Autocratic leadership roles. We saw this in his television shows where he would shut you down if you did not meet his standards. It seems that it is Gordon Ramsay’s way or the highway. Ramsay poses his ideas quite firmly and is also quite by the book. He delegates jobs accordingly based on skill sets and he always demands professionalism. This is also why we thought Ramsay was a Bureaucratic leadership style. By always demanding excellence Ramsay motivates you to be the best you can be. He gives constructive criticism and educates others with his knowledge and skills. Ramsay inspires you to improve your skill set and be passionate.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases

Global Warming    Even before Homo erectus first stood up on his hind legs, humans have had an enormous influence over the environment and atmosphere. They have used land, oceans, and other natural resources to help further their expansion and growth. Unfortunately, while the human race flourished, the atmosphere and environment did not. Humans released toxins into the air with their large-scale fires and killed many species to extinction. However, global warming is one of the largest and most current dilemmas the Earth is facing. Over the past century, the temperature of the Earth’s surface has risen 1 ° C and in the past fifty years, humans have been the primary cause of the warming of our planet. One of the major confusions in environmental issues today is the concept of the â€Å"greenhouse effect†. People identify this term in a very negative fashion when in fact the greenhouse effect is what keeps Earth’s temperature livable for organisms such as humans. Energy from the sun heats up Earth’s surface and in turn the Earth radiates some of that heat back into space. The purpose of the atmosphere is to trap some of the â€Å"greenhouse gases† and energy in order to keep temperatures similar to what they are today as well as protect from extreme temperatures. However, complications arise when the concentration of the greenhouse gases increase. Before the Industrial revolution, human activities did not have such a drastic effect on the atmosphere. Yet, as the population of humans on Earth grew, more gases began to be emitted into the atmosphere where they accumulated and remained. One of the most detrimental gases to the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, is accumulating at an alarmingly fast rate. Currently, about half of the carbon dioxi... ...her living creatures. Educating the public about the causes and effects of global warming is a step that many countries, states, and cities have taken. One local example is the â€Å"Walk! Philadelphia† campaign which encourages people to walk or use public transportation to reduce the use of cars. Currently, international and government agencies are thinking of ways to monitor and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the air. I am optimistic that our government and governments from all over the world are working hard to overcome the causes and effects of global warming. While any large-scale change will be gradual, there is no doubt in my mind that we will fix the atmospheric problems to the best of our ability. Source Cited Environmental Protection Agency’s Global Warming website at:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Essay

In everyday life, communication skills need to be used to interact with people in many situations. Communication is the foundation for social interaction as it allows people to socialize and interact. Effective communication is extremely important in a health and social care context because it is essential to help you understand your clients’ feelings and emotions, as well as creating a positive relationship with your clients, relatives, colleagues and other healthcare professionals. Communication may come in many forms including speaking, writing or sometimes using pictures, sign language, and body language or gesturing. There are a number of reasons we communicate including socializing, to express our needs, informing others of information, to share ideas, to educate, to identify problems, to find solutions and many other reasons. Verbal Communication Verbal communication is when a person communicates verbally with someone. This could be one to one or in a group. Good verbal communication skills in health and social care is essential as it allow workers to effectively communicate and connect with patients and health care professionals by listening to them and talking to them to meet their needs. The ability to communicate and connect with patients and health care professionals helps to build relationships, prevent mistakes and helps to provide a high level of care. When communicating verbally, a person’s tone of voice interprets what they say and what influence it has on the receiver. If someone talks in a very slow and low voice, people may consider you are shy, embarrassed, unconfident or unsure. It may also indicate discomfort about the topic being spoken about. However, a calm and slow voice shows you are a confi friendly and caring. Talking quickly with a firm tone and in a loud voice may indicate anger or rudeness. When health and social care professionals speak with service users, it is very important to know when to change your tone of voice Non-Verbal Communication Non-Verbal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages without using words, either spoken or written messages. This could be communicating through gestures, touch (Haptic communication), by body language, posture, facial expression, eye contact or written communication. There are several types of nonverbal communication including: Kinesics Kinesics involves body movements in communication, for example, hand gestures, nodding or shaking the head Proxemics Proxemics involves the physical distance between people when they communicate, territoriality and personal space, position, and poster, how you stand or sit, whether your arms are crossed, and so on. Haptic Haptic communication describes how we communicate with each other with the use of touch. Young children and the elderly may commonly use haptic communication. For example, a child may tap their mum on her shoulder to get her attention. Non- Verbal communication is the second most common type of communication used in health and social care settings. It can be used in emails, letters, written communication and sign language. Very many people communicate using facial expressions, gestures and body language. Facial expressions are responsible for a huge proportion of nonverbal communication. This is because the first thing we see when we look at a person is their facial expressions. Facial expression gives a huge clue on what type of mood a person is in. A person who Language Barriers Sometimes there are barriers that need to be overcome to be able to communicate. There are a number of different barriers, which people could face. For example a language barrier. If someone spoke a different language to you, you would struggle to understand what he or she is trying to say. In this case, an interpreter could be used to translate for them. This would mean that the barrier would be overcome. If someone has the same first language as someone, it allows them to communicate effectively with an individual. Additionally, there are other barriers, which people may face including physical barriers, barriers for people with special needs and psychological barriers. Physiological Barriers Psychological barriers are mind-associated problems that keep you from reaching a solution, obtaining a goal, establishing positive relationships or taking a step toward finding a new job or starting college etc. Therefore, understanding what these issues are will help you on your journey to overcome intangible fears and frustrations. People who are going through a difficult time may not want to communicate if they feel distressed or down. This may lead them to avoid communication with people for a number of reasons. A person’s self-esteem may discourage them from communicating with people and prevent them from taking part in-group activities. Some factors, which may contribute to a low self-esteem, may be fear and anxiety, low self- concept, depression or panic attacks. People who suffer from a low self- esteem may shut themselves out and avoid communicating with people altogether. Dealing with a disabled person who communicates in different ways People suffering from physical disabilities may face physical barriers, which may relate to hearing, eyesight, difficulty walking or movement of the limbs. These barriers may be overcome by using pictures to express words, Makaton, or braille for visually impaired individuals or people with impaired hearing. A person with a physical disability could become easily annoyed and agitated. It may be hard to communicate with them when they feel like this. To handle a situation when they feel like this it may help if they are spoken to in a calm manner, as they may get more irritated, it may also help to remove them from a situation to allow them to calm down. They may use different body language to express their feelings, for example, if they are feeling annoyed they may sigh or if they want to show you they need something they may tap your shoulder. A disabled person may also require special facilities to be provided for them such as braille. Braille is a form of written language for blind people, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips. British Sign language uses visual communication including gestures, facial expressions, and body language; to communicate mainly with people who are deaf or have hearing impairments. A person who is deaf or has hearing impairments may need a signer to communicate with them using sign language and pass on information. These alternatives allow disabled people to communicate effectively. Types of Interpersonal Communication Communicating with different people: There are times where you may use formal language and times where you may use informal language. For example, talking to a friend you will usually use slang terms and informal language. This may include personal topics, which you would only discuss with people you are close to. Talking to a colleague, you will need to take a more professional approach. You would not usually ask a colleague about their personal life or what they did for the weekend. You may use terminology or jargon words relating to your job and work when communicating with professionals. One to one groups: In many Health and Social Care settings such as nursing homes or schools, one to one communication is important. This could be to provide a service user with extra support or personal care. To meet the personal needs of a service user it could be beneficial to communicate one to one with them to maintain privacy and confidentiality. This may also help them to feel more comfortable when communicating with professionals about personal matters. Group Communication: Group communication is a more open type of communication as it allows people to express their views and opinions to a number of people. It also allows people discuss their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with people. An example of group communication is support groups. Support groups allow a group of people to share their negative past experiences with each other and offer support, encouragement, and advice. People with drinking problems, drug problems, and young offenders may join support groups to find ways to deal with their problems when other ways have failed. Facial expressions body language and posture: A person’ s facial expressions, body language and posture give people a good interpretation of how they are feeling or what they may be thinking. If a person is slouching, looks uninterested, unconcerned and is not participating at work it gives people the impression they do not care about their work, they are not physically prepared and that they want to be elsewhere. A person with this attitude may not want to communicate with others as their body language shows that they may want to be left undisturbed. When a person is speaking, you can usually tell what type of mood they are in by the tone of their voice. If they In almost any workplace including health and social care settings, a good level of verbal and written communication is needed. Workers will need to be able to communicate with service effectively to ensure that their needs are met to a high standard, with other colleagues which they work with and other organizations which the service is part of. Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organization. A General practitioner(GP) will need to have a good standard of both written and verbal communication skills to meet the needs of their patient. The role of their job of a general practitioner requires listening to a patient’s problems and decide on a suitable solution or treatment for them in a timely manner. Sometimes a general practitioner also known as a doctor will refer patients to other services which can provide for their specific needs. For example, a person who has suffered from a fall may be referred to a hospital to have an x-ray. In this case, a doctor may need to create a written medical report on the accident which would be passed on to other health care professionals such as radiographers. D1: Analyse how cultural variations can influence communication There are different ways religious beliefs, languages and personal views can have an impact on how we communicate. These factors may change the manner in which we communicate, the ways of communicating with different people and how we communicate. There are many cultural differences in communication and for this reason; it needs to be ensured that related barriers are overcome. People of different cultures may use different gestures, symbols, languages and different ways to greet people. Culture can affect how you think and act and, more importantly, the kind of criteria by which you judge others. The traditions of one culture may be the total opposite of another culture. For example, it is seen as polite and respectful to make eye contact when speaking to someone in Western culture but in other cultures, for example in East Asia, it can be seen as rude and defiant. Some cultures portray some behaviors as normal and right and others strange or wrong. In different cultures, there are diverse ways to greet people. some cultures shake hands, kiss on the cheek, bow, hug or simply say hi or hello. In England, The handshake is used as a gesture. as a form of a greeting between two people. If the information (signs, leaflets, posters) about health, social care, and early years services are in English only then those with a different first language will not be able to find out about the service. If the information uses specialist language, the individual may not understand it. They may become anxious or worried about the service.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Technology In Our Daily Lives

Technology is increasingly dominate the lives of human race for the last hundred years. We are becoming more dependent on it in many regards. It is very useful in assisting us on doing household works, education and transports. Despite it’s peaceful use the advancement of technology is still a subject of much controversy. Many argue that the production or consumption of it can be very undesirable for the society. It’s because new kind of weapon develop as new technology advance. Besides, new type of crime also can occur. The dropping of two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki pictured modern technology as a threat to humanity.Our modern technology is also seen as something that can wipe out lives in a blink of an eye especially when we are talking about weaponry. Since the end of the First World War humanity has raced to develop weapons of mass destruction. During the Cold War, the American and Soviet Union had enough nuclear stockpiles to annihilate the human race. They both are trying to dismantle as much as they can since the Cold War ended long ago. But people are still fear the danger of nuclear terrorism. It’s when nuclear weapons fall to the hand of terrorist.The movie â€Å"Sum Of All Fears† dramatizes things that could happen when terrorists have a control over nuclear weapon. New type of crime also taking place as our technology advance. Cyberbullying can be one of the examples. It’s the use of information technology to harm or harass other people in a deliberate, repeated and hostile manner. It’s a very serious offence in some countries like in the United States, United Kingdom and many other developed nations. Other than that, new type of scams like voice pitching also occur as the way we communicate change because of advancement in communication technology.However, many also argue that the improvement of our technology improve health care services in many ways. In the last 50 years, doctors and scientist s have developed many new approaches and cures for deadly and contagious diseases like Tubercolosis. Also, doctors now able to detect symptoms of diseases earlier before it can cause harm to the patient. Now, surgeons also able to perform a surgery without physically present in the surgical room. This thing can happens because the help of our modernization of our communication technology and modern computer.Nevertheless, technology is also an engine of prosperity. It gives benefits to our economy as new machineries able to produce more variety of goods and provide better services. Economy able to satisfy the increasing needs and wants of the society as new technology enable producer to process things quicker. At home, machineries also assist us in finishing many of our household works. Now, working mother able to cook dishes without having to cook it by themselves. They can use their smartphone application to get it done for them.It affects educational field in many terms at the sam e time. Schools and universities able to provide better service by confronting students with up to date information from the internet. The invention of new software like Turnitin helps lecturers to prevent their students from plagiarize someone’s work. In conclusion, technology is very beneficial for the live of human race. It’s offers us a better medical care as its prolonged our life span. Besides, it’s also serve as an engine of prosperity as it can satisfy our needs and wants better and also it increases human well being.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Child Labor and the British Industrial Revolution essays

Child Labor and the British Industrial Revolution essays The British Industrial Revolution (1770-1850) changed the social and economic life of Britain by establishing a completely new way of living and working. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, Britain was poor, though not without some economic surplus; relatively stagnant, though not completely static; and based on agriculture as its main economic activity (Deane 18). Because of the use of new food crops, such as the potato, and a decline in epidemic diseases, many of the major countries, including Britain, experienced tremendous population growth during this time. The population growth demanded the production of more goods, which soon brought about the development of factories. The technological advancements led to a new model of production and social relationships. The cottage workers were rapidly induced to long work hours in the large brick factories which resembled the stone poorhouses. Eventually, the cottage workers became unwilling to work in the factories which caused factory a nd mill owners to focus on abandoned and pauper children as their labor supply. These children were infants to 16 years old, averaging 4 feet 11 inches or less, and working 13 or 14 hours a day, six days a week (Spartacus). Child labor during this time became a significant topic for reformers, supporters, parents, children and the government. During the Industrial Revolution, there were many factory reformers who were against using child labor. John Fielden was born in Todmorden to Joshua Fielden, owner of a small textile business. From an early age, he had been taught to be concerned about the wellbeing and safety of employees of the company. In 1816, he and his brothers petitioned Parliament for factory legislation that protected child workers. Fielden founded a religious social reform group called the Todmorden Unitarian Society in 1822. He also advocated the introduction of a minimum wage and believed long work hours had a severe effect on worker...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Facts and Figures About the Cave Lion

Facts and Figures About the Cave Lion The cave lion is a subspecies of lion that went extinct around 12,400 years ago. It was one of the largest subspecies of a lion to have ever lived. Scientists believe it was as much as ten percent larger than modern lions. Its often depicted in cave paintings as having some kind of collar fluff and possibly stripes. Cave Lion Basics Scientific Name:  Panthera leo spelaeaHabitat: Woodlands and mountains of EurasiaHistorical Period: Late Pleistocene-Modern (500,000-2,000 years ago)Size and Weight: Up to 7-8 feet long and 700-800 poundsDiet: MeatDistinguishing Characteristics: Large size; powerful limbs; possibly manes and stripes About the Cave Lion (Panthera Leo Spelaea) One of the most feared predators of the late Pleistocene epoch, the Cave Lion (Panthera leo spelaea) is technically classified as a subspecies of Panthera leo, the modern lion. This was discovered by a genetic sequencing of the cave lions fossil remains. Essentially, this was a plus-sized cat that roamed the vast expanse of Eurasia. It feasted on a wide array of mammalian megafauna including prehistoric horses and prehistoric elephants. The cave lion was also a voracious predator of the cave bear, Ursus spelaeus; in fact, this cat received its name not because it lived in caves, but because numerous intact skeletons have been found in Cave Bear habitats. Cave lions preyed opportunistically on hibernating cave bears, which must have seemed like a good idea until their intended victims woke up! Extinction As is the case with many prehistoric predators, its unclear why the cave lion vanished off the face of the earth about 2,000 years ago. Its possible that it was hunted to extinction by the early human settlers of Eurasia, who would have had a vested interest in banding together and eliminating any cave lions in the immediate vicinity. These same humans regarded the cave lion with reverence and awe, as evidenced by numerous cave paintings. But its more likely that the cave lion succumbed to a combination of climate change and the disappearance of its usual prey; after all, small bands of Homo sapiens could more easily over-hunt prehistoric deer, pigs, and another mammalian megafauna  than these huge, fanged predators. In October 2015, researchers in Siberia made an astonishing discovery: a group of frozen cave lion kittens, dating to about 10,000 B.C. One of them still had its fur intact. While its not uncommon for explorers to stumble across quick-frozen wooly mammoths, this is the first time a prehistoric cat has been found in permafrost. It opens up entirely new avenues of investigation into life during the late Pleistocene epoch: for instance, laboratory technicians may be able to analyze the mothers milk recently ingested by the kittens and thus discern their mothers diet. It also may be possible to recover fragments of DNA from the cave kittens soft tissues, which could, conceivably, one day facilitate the de-extinction of Panthera leo spelaea.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Journal Article Critque Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal Critque - Article Example According to the author, the results of such study were based on specific details which were recognized as important points of framework to the general idea. There are different issues that have been covered by the article. One is the theological basis in the New Testament which is focused on the totality of the man (thus including the surroundings). In the said part, the nature of man and the nature of God had been discussed along with theological limitations to social involvement and the New Testament concept of ideal society.1 The author presented numerous concepts related to the image of God in man with respect to social responsibility. The article is leaning on the importance of human’s social responsibility in showing the image of God since in the totality of the man, the environment can be considered as a significant part. The author’s view is clearly targeted on promoting social responsibility. In every part of the article, clear references were given and multi-faceted discussion of the importance of social responsibility is given. In the first part which is about the theological basis, he presented the nature of man which is being a sinner and in need of redeeming himself by showing social responsibility. The concept presented regarding the nature of God revolves around giving love from Himself to man (1 John 4:8). Being in the image of God, the author pointed out that for man to be able to redeem himself, there should be an expression of love towards his environment which can be equat ed to social responsibility. The third point presented under the theological limitations of to social involvement since there were no clear rules on what to do, the author pointed out that man needs to decide for himself taking into consideration his free will and his need to redeem himself – which again indicated that social responsibility is the key

Friday, November 1, 2019

Critical Analysis 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis 1 - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to prove that Puritan beliefs and lifestyle were necessary for their survival in the new land of America. Using the works of Anne Bradstreet and William Bradford, the reasons why the Puritans fled their homes, the challenges they faced in the New World, and their goals will be investigated. William Bradford believed that God wanted the Pilgrims to establish a new life in the new land, by building a New Jerusalem. Here they would worship freely, without fear, would establish the rule of God’s laws, and would finally be relieved from the tyranny and persecution that had shadowed their entire lives in Europe (Schmidt 10). During their first year in Plymouth Colony, the Pilgrims faced several hardships including diseases, severely cold winter, and the occurrence of daily deaths. However, many of the colonists survived, mainly due to the leadership shown by William Bradford. They hunted wild game, fished, grew grain and corn, and built a settlement; and the following year celebrated the first Thanksgiving (Schmidt 107-108). Along with a group of other young men, Bradford provided excellent leadership for the progress of Plymouth Colony, but their work did not include that of the Church (Doherty 90). The separation of Church and state that is an important element of the American system of democracy, was initiated in this system that was central to the colony’s government. However, the mission of the Puritans was to spread God’s word â€Å"to both Christians and heathens, to comfort the afflicted, and to offer guidance to those with spiritual questions† (Williams: 52). Besides Bradford’s showed Godliness as well as tact in befriending the native Americans. When the settlement started to thrive, Bradford established profitable trade with the local natives. By the next winter, the Pilgrims had regained their health and strength, and had adequate provisions for all including the supply of wild

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Starting a Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Starting a Business - Assignment Example Since the biotechnology firm will be involved in the manufacturing and selling of cancer drugs, it will also be subject to the regulation by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI falls under the National Institutes of Health (an agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services). It is tasked with the responsibility of coordinating the national cancer program, conducting and supporting research activities on cancer and dissemination of information regarding causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the disease (Lusk, 2009). The web design business amongst will be regulated by the Federal Trade Commission amongst other agencies. This commission is responsible for enforcing federal consumer protection laws. It does this through carrying out investigations on consumer complaints against the companies in question and taking the necessary actions where appropriate (Lusk, 2009). There are several laws that will govern the setting up and running of the three kinds of business. For the pizza delivery business and the biotechnology firm, the laws that will govern the running of their activities (such as the Public Health Service Act) will mostly be aimed at protecting the consumers of the products of these businesses from purchasing and consuming harmful products that might be detrimental to their health such as contaminated food or poisonous drugs that instead of curing ailments, they only makes them worse. For the case of the web design business, the law that deals with this type of business is the Intellectual Property Law. This branch of law deals with the creation of intellectual property trademarks, patents and copyright (Burrow, 2003). There are several legal steps that one will have to encounter before setting up each of the three businesses mentioned. The first step will be to determine the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Projectification of the organisational world

Projectification of the organisational world It is fascinating to observe from the management and business sciences, how organisations are changing their structural behaviours: Nowadays, it is hard to imagine an organisation that is not engaged in some kind of project activity. Over the past decade, organisations have been turning from operations to project management as part of their competitive advantage strategy. Organisations are now redefining their business structures by adopting project management practices, thus Maylor et al. (2006, p.663) point out that projectification is the process that comprehends organizational changes through a process where work is managed by projects. We should therefore look at projects as projectification means to get to the implementation of strategy although it might be a realistic statement, it still has a more in dept reasoning behind it and we hope this document will enlighten this further. Projects as the fundamental of projectification are defined as temporary organizations created to deliver one or more business products translated in to project objectives according to their business case requiring specific competencies or skills for a pre-determined period of time according to The Office of Governament Commerce (OGC, 2009, p.31). However, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.664) have a different designation of projects, as managerial tools and structures for innovation and change. Other interconnected concepts related to projects will be further explained looking at the projectification of the organisational world. Maylor et. al. (2006, p.663) support that there are two completely opposite ideas between the managerialist concept of a project as a way to control and the idea that projects are flexible and less bureaucratic structures and as many commentators according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) cite, they position projects as more appropriate for implementing deliberate strategies. Despite the above, Maylor et. al.(2006, p.664) citing Davies, Brady and Hobday point out that organisations are finding that traditional organizational structures (i.e. with departments, business units and divisions) are no longer appropriate. However, Haniff and Fernie (2008) defend that projectification is not always seen as the most favourable process and it can become problematic if different organisations working together do not have the same projectification approach. Thus, projectification is not seen as a firm solution, i.e. in the perspective of delivering deliberate strategies. That might be the case in the construction sector where Haniff and Fernie (2008, p.9) state that it is naive to assume that any pre-determined project plan can be simplistically implemented. According to above pessimistic view, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.667) agree that we might face barriers to projects being carried out, this might in turn show that is an unwanted consequence of the projectification process but one to account for as limitations in the implementation of the organizational strategy may emerge. Despite these limitations, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.664) citing Packendorff and Hodgson support that there is an evidence of increasing belief of projectification through projects. This is stated by Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.5), they believe that corporate strategy is now a means of thinking through and articulating how an organizations corporate goals and objectives will be achieved. This lead us towards how Bracker cited in Shirley (1982, p. 263) characterises business strategy: as an environmental or situational analysis to determine a firms posture in its field and if the firms resources are utilized in an appropriate manner to attain its major goals. Some consider that business strategy is folded in strategic initiatives such as Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.5), explain that these initiatives are often clustered into portfolios of programmes and projects for implementation, whose support is given by organization roles in particular project workers and managers as Packendorff and Hodgson cited in Maylor et. al. (2006, p.664) emphasize. Again, Maylor et. al. (2006, p.666) agree these developing roles are a consequence of projectification as well as the search for authority by project managers. These are responsible for the planning, delegating, monitoring and control of all aspects of the project, and the motivation of those within the temporary organization to achieve the project objectives within the expected project performance measures, time, cost, quality, scope, benefits and risks according to OGC (2009, p.4). Gaddis (1969, p.96) makes a good point when distinguishing tactics from strategy doing the analogy to the advanced-tec hnology project manager and the research administrator, where the first is considered the tactician and the other the strategist. Therefore, project managers are not directly seen as a strategy deliver role as Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) citing Thomas, Delisle, Jugdev, and Buckle argue. In addition project managers are seen as strongly execution oriented role, as per project management responsibilities, and as such, they are not perceived as strategically important by senior managers.Although, Pellegrinelli and Bowman (1994, p.126) see that projects are grouped in programmes to actually achieve beneficial changes of strategic nature for an organisation. Unlike project management, Pellegrinelli, Partington and Young cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) see implementation of strategy through programme management, as well as McElroy cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) emphasizes the need for senior management involvement for successful strategy implementation. A more realistic view from Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) is that many commentators position projects as more appropriate for implementing deliberate (planned) strategies, while considering programmes for both deliberate and emergent (unplanned) strategies. Including the view of the Association for Project Management (APM) cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) for good governance practice is that now clearly requires alignment between business, portfolio, programme and project plans, and transparent reporting of issues throughout the strategic hierarchy as well as Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) defend that these should have a reciprocal relationship. Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) bring to this context that corporate strategy is not translated into project strategy by a simplistic process. It is further complex and it requires an extensive range of management competencies and a clear definition of roles and responsibilities. See Figure 1 below. Figure 1 Organisations Strategic Hierarchy Subsequently, Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.16) defend that the hierarchy of objectives and strategies, represented in Figure 1 by the interconnectivity between those 5 blocks, enable organizations to cascade strategy in a systematic way, such as the Archibalds model mentioned in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6) specifies, objectives and strategies are developed at the policy, strategic, operational and project levels and cascaded down, thereby ensuring alignment and continuity of strategy. Partington cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6), suggest three levels of strategy (See Figure 1) as corporate, business and operational being operational level focussed on programmes and projects. Yet, according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6), this hierarchy of objectives and strategies can generally be formed as a result of using a strategy planning process which in turn can be a highly effective mean of structuring and managing strategy, and communicating it to the organization and through out. Johnson and Scholes cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.5) highlight that, strategic management is often ambiguous, complex and dynamic, fundamental and organization-wide, and generally has long-term implications. Although, there may be pre-established strategy planning processes and practices, strategy may not be realized in a straightforward way as many planners assume according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6). Baker, Bard, Cooper and others cited in Srivannaboon and Milosevic (2006, p. 494) argue that aligning project management with the business strategy is not a clear process but Gomolski cited in Rathnam (2004, pp. 2-3) defend that with business ownership and accountability can lead the way to ensure alignment of business strategy. Most studies link business strategy with project management through project selection and see that as part of the alignment process. Others such as Thompson cited in Henderson and Venkatraman (1990, p.26), see alignment made not only of static elements but a combination of strategy dynamics and behaviors which are managed by external factors to the organization. Supporting this view, Mintzberg and Waters (1985, P. 271), argue that managing requires: ÂÂ ´a light deft touch to direct, in order to realize intentions while at the same time responding to an unfolding pattern of actions. Again, the interaction between projects or programmes and the organizations strategy may be both deliberate and emergent when attempting to implement the intended strategy, according to Grabher, cited in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.6). The UK Office of Government Commerce (OGC) in Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.8) considers the alignment between strategy and projects to be one of the main benefits of programme management. However, this seems out dated regarding recent guidance on governance. It is expected that increasing need to understand this alignment issue will be translated in to more literature and experience based contributions on this subject. The project management has become an important business process for organizations and Srivannaboon and Milosevic (2006, p.493) support that project management and the business strategy alignment help organizations to focus on the right projects, given the objectives of the business strategy. On the other hand, any misalignment may cause an organization to lose market opportunities and the organizations recovery process might be difficult. Therefore, to effective project management and to achieve the business strategic alignment it is required to have a deeper understanding of these complexities. Accordingly to Shirley (1982, p. 268) it is in the study of such complexities in relation to internal strengths, weaknesses, and values of the organization that students and faculty are challenged and also confused with processes involved in strategy making. This is furthermore complex when various organisations are working together to deliver the projects objectives and therefore the business strategy. Accordingly to Haniff and Fernie (2008, p.9), each individual organisation has got their one project strategy that aligns with the organizational strategy. This results in individual team members influencing at some level the project strategy by creating an emergent project management strategy. Similarly, Jamieson and Morris cited in Srivannaboon and Milosevic (2006, p.495) suggest that most of the elements of the strategic planning process, such as internal analysis, organizational structures, and control systems, are strongly linked to project management processes and activities and thereby strongly influence intended business strategies. Accordingly to Mintzberg and Waters (1985, p.272) this strategic control mentioned above may be in managers which is further recognized by the patterns and actions of managers on their own actions with in the organization configuration. Despite project management processes, other issues co-exist such as the lack of a single coherent project strategy that can lead to loss of business understanding and directly influencing the link between business strategy and project implementation which may be extremely affected according to Morris and Jamieson (2005, p.11). In addition, Rathnam (2004, p.2) draws attention to research made by others that leads us to communication and understanding to be the strategy alignment problem. Morris and Jamieson (2005, pp.7-8) also point out that the business and operating requirements of a project frequently affect the project strategy significantly. Per instance, in the IT industry as Rathnam (2004, pp.4-5) shows, the lack of business strategy, lack of focus on business process, misalignment between business areas and organization structural barriers, lack of an enterprise-wide view, business against IT mentality, lack of awareness in need for strategy alignment, difficulty in communicat ing and understanding IT, resistance to escalate misalignment conflicts to executive management and rapid rate of technological change where considered the main gaps for strategy alignment. Cicmil et. al. (2006, p.679) argue that, If projects fail because of miscommunication and failure to meet expectations, what is it about project management that makes this happen so much in a project environment? Projects are very complex and characterized by issues related to uncertainty, control and mutual interaction among project intervenients according to Cicmil et. Al. (2006, p.676). In addition Cicmil et. al. (2006, p.683) claims that management actions to accelerate perturbed projects make the problem worse which is the case when the project is heavily time-constrained. Avots (1969) adds that the wrong man appointed as project manager, lack of support from the company management, inadequate task definitions, management techniques not appropriate or project termination not well planned are also the reasons for a project failure. Despite the fact that organisations may be using projects to secure business benefit, Midler cited in Maylor et. al. (2006, p.669) question whether this is actually being achieved by these management practices. The existing concepts for what constitutes a project may not be in agreement within the project management practitioners community. Also the temporary organisation (project team) and expectancy of the project outcomes may not be consistent with all intervenients. This is a result of organisational projectification and as such we shall reconsider the term project given this paper. It is evident that in a multi project level is where we can find a bigger gap in maintaining the strategic alignment through project management and projects. Therefore this presents an area of great interest for both practitioners and scholars. Different project management approaches and methodologies are now being used by organizations at all stages of the project life cycle with project strategy development, review and optimization occurring at specific points. A high percentage of organizations define the personal project management competencies required to develop project strategy. Several organizations stressed the leadership qualities that they expected of their executives in shaping and delivering strategy, at both the project level as well as the corporate level. It can be concluded, therefore, that although project strategy management is an underexplored and insufficiently described subject in the business and project literature, it is, in fact, a relatively well-trodden area, deserving of more recognition, formal study, and discussion. (Word count: Max 2500)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Koala Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Koala Inroduction The koala is the Australian jewel. It has very furry, ash colored hair, a rubbery black nose, sharp claws, fuzzy ears, and a grizzly personality, or should I say, koalality. If you kill a koala, you'll make a million off their fur! They would sell the fur to coat companies and make coats out of koala fur. Well, sadly enough, too many people are making millions on koalas. That's why they're endangered species. Habitat The koala is distributed along the eastern coastal semi-tropical forests of Australia, ranging from north Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and a small area in the south of Australia. Breeding The male koala and the female koala have two very different mating calls. When humans reach their sexual maturity at around the age of 14 or 15, koalas reach their sexual maturity at the age of two. The female produces one baby every other year. The koala almost never produces twins. In the female's pouch, there are two nipples. The female koala gives birth after a 20-35 day gestation period. When the joey (baby koala) is born, it is no longer than 2 cm and weighs no more than a 1/2 gram. The joey stays in its mother's pouch for 5-7 months. The term "joey ² is used when you are talking about a baby marsupial. The mother gives "pap ² to the joey, a liquid from the caecum (which is similar to the human organ, appendix.) This is thought to give the joey the ability to eat only eucalyptus leaves. When the joey emerges from the pouch, it clings to its mother for another seven months. The joey stays with its mother for another three or four years, until it is fully grown. Diet Koalas eat eucalyptus and don't drink water. I guess that's how they got their name. In the aboriginal language, "koala" means "no drink water." But, the koala does drink water, only when it is ill. Out of the 350 species of eucalyptus, the koala can only eat 20, will only eat 5, and only prefers to eat a certain one. Population and Extinction Since the koala population has dropped since 50% since the turn of the century, the Australian government passed a law banning anything harmful to the koalas. At first, in the 1920's they were killed for their fur. Then, somehow, a high perce... ...e New Columbia Encyclop'dia, 1975 ed., p. 1491 (New York: Columbia University Press) Bergh, John. Austrailian Koala Hospital Assosiation, Inc.: Koala Facts Sheet, (Sydney: Bergh, John. Austrailian Koala Hospital Assosiation, Inc.: Koala Facts Sheet, (Sydney: Bergh, John. Austrailian Koala Hospital Assosiation, Inc.: Koala Facts Sheet, (Sydney: World Book Encyclop'dia, 1996 ed., 11:361 (Chicago: World Book, Inc.) Payne, Oliver. "Koala†¹ Out on a Limb," National Geographic Magazine, April, 1995 (Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society Press) Academic American Encyclop'dia, 1994 ed., 12:103. (Danbury: Grolier, Inc.)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jews Without Money Essay

1. Make connections from the book to show how the immigrants who came to America in the late 1800’s tried to keep some of their â€Å"homeland† traditions alive in their new environment. Describe, at least 3 different examples of this. One way how the immigrants who came to America tried to keep their â€Å"homeland† traditions is when Jim and Antonia wanted to go see the new Russian’s who had lived in their town. When they visited Peter (One of the Russian’s), he wanted to keep the guests entertained, so he pulled out a harmonica and started playing it for them. Jim said that † Peter looked about perplexity for something that would entertain us. He ran into the storeroom and brought out a gaudily painted harmonica†(pg 29) this means that back in Russia they used harmonicas as a use of entertainment which is a homeland tradition. Another â€Å"homeland tradition† is when â€Å"Mr. Shimerda rose, crossed himself, and quietly knelt down before the tree†(pg 61) this means that the Bohemian family is very religious and the Burdens family doesn’t do that behavior. Another example of a homeland tradition is when Mr. Shimerda used to play his trombone in Russia with his friend and watch the flowers bloom which Antonia says â€Å"he used to sit there with his friend and play trombone†(pg 159) he couldn’t play his trombone anymore because he had no other friends over in America and the tradition died out since he moved to America. 2. Why did Mr. Shimerda commit suicide and how did it impact his family. Give 2 specific examples. Mr. Shimerda committed suicide because he was feeling depressed and couldn’t handle the stress. His only friends that he made in America had died and went back to their country, which was Pavel and Peter. Peter told Mr. Shimerda that â€Å"he was unable to meet a note which fell due on the first of November†(pg 38) which means that they were in debt and couldn’t pay Wick Cutter and this lead to him leaving America. Also when â€Å"Pavel strained himself lifting timbers for a new barn, and fell over among the shavings  with such a gush of blood from the lungs†(pg 38) he died shortly after this incident and wished to speak with Mr. Shimerda before he died which impacted him a lot into killing himself from the loss of his friends. Another reason why Mr. Shimerda killed himself is because his family didn’t have a lot of food stored up for winter â€Å"the potatoes had been frozen and were rotting, in the other was a little pile of flour†(pg 52) The loss of Mr. Shimerda friends and the shortage of food eventually led him to committing suicide. 3. How does the â€Å"coming of age† experience differ for Jim and Antonia as they move from childhood to adulthood? Explain one of their â€Å"coming of age† experiences from the book. The â€Å"coming of age† is definitely different between Jim and Antonia because they have totally different lives. Antonia has it a lot harder and she even tells this to Jim when she says â€Å"If I live here, like you, that is different. Things will be easy for you. But they will be hard for us.†(pg 96) Antonia can not have a normal child life as Jim has since she is too busy working on her farm, he asks her if she wants to join the first term of the school year but she says â€Å"I ain’t got time to learn. I can work like mans now. My mother can’t say no more how Ambrosch do all and nobody to help him†(pg 85) this shows that Jim can get a proper education by going to school but Antonia can not because of all the work that had to be done on her farm. When Antonia is older she works for Mr. Cutter, he is a very sick man who tries to rape Antonia when his wife is not in town. He buys a Mrs. Cutter a ticket for the train sends her away and tries to engage Antonia while she is gone. He puts jewelery under Antonia bed which gives him a reason to go in her room to seduce her and tells her not invite her friends to stay with her at night. Life for Antonia is a lot harder for her than it is for Jim. 4. How does the environment of the great plains impact the development of Jim and Antonia? As Jim grows older into adulthood what does he remember of the Great Plains. Do these memories create anxiety or bring comfort to Jim? Explain The environment of the great plains impacts Jim and Antonia in different ways. Jim feels that the environment of the great plains would be boring when he says â€Å"here was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the  material out of which countries are made. No, there was nothing but land slightly undulating†(pg 9) The environment that the Great Plains impacts Antonia is negative because she tells Jim â€Å"If I live here, like you, that is different. Things will be easy for you. But they will be hard for us.†(pg 96) This means that Jim and Antonia have different ways of viewing the environment that they live in. When Jim grows older he becomes more focussed in his studies but he still remembers the Great Plains and those memories comfort Jim. Jim says that â€Å"For the first time it occurred to me that I should be homesick for that river after I left it.† (pg 158) This means that for the first time Jim actually misses his old life on the Great Plains. 5. Compare the different immigrant groups differing values and religious beliefs to the traditional values of frontier life. Give 2-3 specific examples from the book. When Mr. Shimerda was alive he â€Å"rose, crossed himself, and quietly knelt down before the tree†(pg 61) on Christmas. He values what he has on Christmas and he sees how the Burden’s act on Christmas so this makes him pray in front of the Christmas Tree while Jim watches him. Christmas must be very important religiously to Mr. Shimerda because the Burden’s did not kneel in front of the tree. Mr. Shimerda is Catholic while the Burdens are Protestant. When Mr. Shimerda died â€Å"It developed that Mrs. Shimerda and Ambrosch wanted the old man buried on the southwest corner of their own land.†(pg 78) This was a custom in Bohemia and to the neighbors around them it looked bad. These are the different beliefs that the Shimerda’s had to the traditional ways of frontier life. 6. What symbols does Cather use to represent the key ideas in her novel? (hint: the plow, sunsets, the landscape, sunflowers) The landscape is used to represent a key idea of the novel because it represents how Jim feels about life on the Great Plains. Jim feels at first â€Å"For more than anything else I felt motion in the landscape; in the fresh, easy blowing morning wind, and in he earth itself†(pg 15) This means that the landscape made Jim feel good and in a mellow mood. It did not put him in negative feeling but made him feel fresh and happy. Cather uses flowers to represent home sickness for Antonia when she tells Jim â€Å"It makes me  homesick, Jimmy, this flower, this smell,†(pg 159) When Antonia smells this flower it makes her think of her country, this same feeling happens to Jim when he moves from the Great Plains to the city he still misses the old life he had as a child.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparison of “A Good Man is Hard” Essay

SETTING The setting of â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† is in a place in Georgia, but the reader is not exposed to the description of the original setting. The story begins in a city that is not named where the family lives and takes the reader to many places where the family travels. There is â€Å"Plenty of local color – there are the old plantations that get passed, and Red Sammy’s roadside barbeque joint.† For â€Å"Love in L.A† the story takes place on the Freeway of Los Angeles, where Jake, protagonist, lazy, self-absorbed and irresponsible, is driving along the freeway (Dagoberto, 2004). The similarity in the setting of the two stories is the fact that story happens as an experience of persons travelling. However the two stories are different because in â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† it involves a family and the relationship to one another. This is not the dame case in â€Å"Love in L.A† where the story involves Jake who is driving along a freeway. CHARACTERS In â€Å"Love in L.A† Jake is presented as an irresponsible, self absorbed and lazy protagonist. This is seen when he hits Mariana’s car due to his carelessness. Jake is also dishonest when he gives Mariana wrong information regarding his address, phone number, and insurance information (Dagoberto, 2004). The main reason as to why he does this is for him to walk free from the consequences he is likely to face for hitting Mariana’s car. Mariana is the story’s antagonist. She believes the information given to him by Jake and she gives her correct information to Jake, with hopes of becoming good friends. Despite the fact that he hits her car does not make to feel anger against him, but instead accepts his proposal. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† the grandmother is seen as a manipulator. She does not want to go to Florida because she has relatives in Tennessee she  wants to see. She tries to change the mind of Bailey through a subtle style (Flannery, 1992). The Misfit despite being violent and a wanton killer, he has a different opinion to that of the grandmother. As much he knows that he is not morally upright, he also has the view that there are some people who are worse than him. He is consistent in these views, something that lacks in the grandmother. Bailey can be seen as submissive since he submits to his mothers request to visit the old plantation house. He is also ineffective when he fails to quiet his mother but in vain. Red Sammy Butts is honest as is seen by the trust that the grandmother has in him. He is gullible to fault. The two escaped criminals are cowards because they escape from the consequences that they are likely to face, having killed several people. The two children are adventurous as seen by their push to visit the old house their grandmother having said that it contained a secret panel. SYMBOLISM The freeway in â€Å"Love in L.A is symbolic in that it makes Jake feel all the freedom provided by the open road, something that leads him into day dreaming. The car is also symbolic because it represents how well or bad he uses his freedom, basing on the fact that he is involved in an accident due to carelessness. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† the grandmother’s hat which she puts to show that she is a lady is symbolic in a way that it represents her moral code, which is misguided (Flannery, 1992). This is illustrated when she dresses in that specific manner, so that in case there is an accident, everyone would easily identify her as a lady. The â€Å"Toomsboro† town is mentioned in a manner that it sounds like a â€Å"Tomb† meaning that the family is headed for doom. Through the description of Misfit’s car, the writer brings out the picture of the ultimatum of the family. He uses â€Å"a big black battered hearse-like automobile,† instead of brand names like Cadillac, Lincoln and many others. THEMES In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† the main theme is good versus evil where  there is a confrontation with a superficial logic of goodness and a person who is embodies aspects of evil. She treats goodness just to appear decent, with the right manners and to paint of a picture of coming from a family of right people, which is a contrast as is seen when she meets the Misfit who acknowledges and accepts his true nature. In this piece, the writer brings out the nature of people to paint a picture which is in contrast of their true natures just to gain a social status among the people they interact with. In â€Å"Love in L.A† the main theme is love for self. This is seen as Jake is consumed with himself and the obsession he has with his car. He wants more for himself and for the main reason of getting more women. The author illustrates the nature of people in the society to always want more in life (Dagoberto, 2004). TONE In Love in L.A, The tone of the author brings out the fact that he might see himself in the main character, Jake. The author could be a good person who at one time struggled in the place of a bad guy. In A good Man is Hard to Find, the overall tone used plays a fundamental role in developing the plot of the story, which is retro respect, based upon the unforgiving terrain especially during the writing of the story. IRONY The title of the story,†A Good man is hard to find† is ironic because the grandmother refers the Misfit as a good man when she says, â€Å"I know you’re a good man †¦ I know you must come from nice people,† (Flannery, 1992). which is not the case since the Misfit has escaped from prison and has killed his father. Irony is also evident in â€Å"Love in L.A† because of the continual longing for love which does not occur. Through Jake, love is developed in different fashions which do not suggest anything positive. He is seen as one with a love for image, daydreaming and self conceit, which does not represent the true meaning of the word love. MORAL CODES In Love in L.A, Jake has no moral codes. Despite the fact that he knocks Miranda’s car, he does not make any efforts to honor the responsibility but instead tries hard to evade the situation by telling Miranda lies and giving him false information. He does not also mind about the conditions of other people but instead thinks about himself and does everything to get what he wants. In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† I think the grandmother does not have the qualities to be looked at as â€Å"a good man† since the image that she tries to paint is not what she truly is, she lives in deceit and does everything to get recognized (Flannery, 1992). This is the same scenario in the case of Misfit, who despite the fact that he sees himself as perfect, and that there are others even more dangerous than him, does not mean that he is morally upright. This is because he does not make any efforts in changing what evil he has done in the past. FINAL THOUGHTS I have learnt that there are many ways in which perceive love. Having read the two short stories, I discovered that people are of different opinions. This is illustrated by Jake as being in love with his car and self image, the same thing is seen with the grandmother, where he only loves the image that can be represented by her and not about the affairs of the other people. This is a moral lesson that we should learn and try as hard to always consider the affairs and statuses of other people before putting ours ahead. REFERENCES Flannery, O. (1992) A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories Chicago: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Dagoberto. G, (2004) Love in L.A. Chicago: Cengage Learning